Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Top Ten Favorite television shows...

10. I must say that as my daughter is now 2, I have become acquainted with several new television programs. I must say that one of my new favorites is Max and Ruby. It is about the two rabbits and they are brother and sister... it is just a funny show, I am not going to go further, just check it out on noggin' :)

9. Entourage. This show comes on HBO and is probably the worst show you could possibly watch, but at the same time it is very entertaining and just funny. My buddy Thomas pointed me towards show and if you have a chance, check it out. It comes on Sunday evenings at 9pm cst on HBO.

8. Chelsea Lately. The Chelsea Handler show is way funny and you have gotta love a show with a fella named Chuy!!! It comes on E! every night.

7. America's Top Designer. This is a funny show filled with emotion and gay fellas!!! It is always worth a laugh to see what design will come up next and what gay excuse will be given to justify putting a leotard with raffia and silk.

6. Man vs. Wild. The adventures of Bear Grylls is one of the best shows out there, and obviously one of my favorites. There is nothing like hearing Bear say, "That is awful!" as he eats a grub insect for it's "nutritional value".

5. 30 Rock. This is a great show that is not only funny, but smart as well. Tina Faye, Tracy Morgan, Alec Baldwin and a host of others team up to make a very addicting comedy that is just a fun time.

4. The Hills. This is one of the worst shows ever created, but it is entertaining. I repeat, this show is so dumb but I enjoy the dumb humor it presents.

3. Grey's Anatomy. It has been bogged down a bit, but I do enjoy the drama that this show presents-- very addicting and after a break from it, I enjoy coming back to it.

2. ESPN Sportscenter. Just an informative sports wrap up of the days activities, a nice way to un-wind and de-stress.

1. Nothing-- I love to turn the television off and go to the beach with my family. Sit outside in the backyard on the swing or just play the guitar and listen to music. My favorite television show is when the TV is off. Nothing better than the entertainment that comes from your family.


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